Bug in webstore ?

I joined and paid webstore for nearly two months. So far no help to boost my sells. I asked the support she told me the domain has problem, and fixed it within these few days. This waist my money for one and half month payment. If I don’t ask them, my webstore is no use but keep on paying. I doubt have anyone use webstore in Bonanza so far. It should be tested ok before advertising.

asked almost 6 years ago

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello there, we see that you’re currently working with our support staff regarding this situation and you’ll want to continue working with them regarding the bug you ran into and any other questions. Just a reminder, a Webstore is your personal website and we don’t do any advertising unless your Webstore Broadcaster is set up correctly. This means that you’ll want to advertise your webstore to friends, family, and on social media sites in order to attract shoppers. We can say that your Webstore is set up very nicely and you did a great job!

answered almost 6 years ago

Hello Dear

Did you received my request?

Waiting to hear from you soon

e-mail. [email protected]

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 708
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Viewed: 996 times

Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 6 years ago

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