Shipping fee

my business is based in Italy and we used DHL express shipping to deliver our goods to the US, instead 22 dollars shipping cost, but it shows free shipping on my booth, I ask for bonanza for help but their advice was not helpful

asked over 5 years ago

2 Answers

Since all shipping is from the point of view of the US, you will have to set up your shipping according to what it would cost to ship items to the US…meaning if you use DHL and have the prices it would cost, then the listing should be set-up with flat rate and your description should include ships within xx number of days by DHL…

To ship in your own country and other countries, other than US, you will have to use a flat rate either set up in the listing itself or in Batch Edit…for international shipping

This thread shows how that can be done with screen shots (note the screen shots are from an older set up…in which items selected were highlighted in yellow…that is not the case now, but the procedure is the same)

answered over 5 years ago

Looking at your booth, your shipping charges are mixed. Some show $19.90 and some show $10.00 and some show FREE. If you don’t want any to show as Free shipping you will need to edit those items to show what the fees are. You can do this through the batch editor you can go to the individual item and click on edit near the listing title and change the mailing preferences. You are the one who has control of the shipping costs. When listing a large number of items, sellers often miss the shipping costs and it defaults in FREE shipping.

answered over 5 years ago

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