Why is shipping being added as free on sales

I sold an item,shipping was $28.00 but invoice shows FREE SHIPPING..
how do I cancel this as I can not afford the shipping cost? I refunded the buyer in full and put my shop on vacation.
too many mistakes on this site and no help????

asked over 8 years ago

Reputation: 116
See sewbuzyb's booth
4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi @sewbuzyb,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear about the trouble with your shipping. It sounds like you may not have specified a shipping cost when you first loaded your items to Bonanza. If you do not specify a shipping cost and go back to add in shipping later, it will save both “Free” shipping as well as your calculated or flat-rate shipping. The buyer will then be able to choose “Other shipping options” at checkout and select the free shipping choice. To resolve this issue, you will want to go to your “My Booth > Batch edit items” page and click on the “Shipping” tab on the left side of the tool box at the top of the page. Select your listings, then check the option to “Clear domestic shipping services” and apply the changes to your listings. Once you have cleared your current shipping (including the free shipping option), you can set your calculated or flat-rate shipping costs to your listings.

Hope that helps and we apologize for any inconvenience. Let us know at support if you have additional questions and we will be happy to assist [URL removed]
[URL removed]

Kind regards,
The Bonanza Team

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

sewbuzyb says: December 10, 2015

I did as you suggested but did not see a free shipping option on my batch edit page.I learned something new about shipping cost today.thank you

Hello Sewbuzy, I suspect that when you listed your item you did not unclick the default free shipping button under shipping options. You can unclick it by choosing another shipping option. I hope that helps you………..Merry Christmas

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

sewbuzyb says: December 09, 2015

I always add shipping,I never use FREE Shipping

Do Bonanza Buyers NOW have option to select FREE SHIPPING????
I got the following message in an email from buyer when I canceled the order.

“That’s fine. I can pay the shipping. They gave me the option, so of course I chose free. But I still want the item, so how do we proceed from here? Do you re invoice me or do I have to go in and “buy” it again? Thanks,

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 116
See sewbuzyb's booth

I am not sure, But i THINK if you dont specify how it is to be shipped (priorty, 1st class) and just leave it as “unspecified” with a cost, i think it comes up as free. I alwasy put in either priority or first class. You may want to ask support if this is true or not. This is what i heard someone mention not too long ago.

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


A2z4u2c says: December 10, 2015

I always use unspecified shipping for flat rate and it always is correct

EmbellishMart says: December 11, 2015

I had a few listings where shipping was “unspecified” and I discovered that customers would be offered that or “free.” I had to change them, as B Support & MissKeech suggest.

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Viewed: 967 times

Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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