
The Return of $5 Pick, Pay and Promote Game!!

The Return Of The $5.00 Pick, Pay and Promote Game!! (Need at least 6 people to sign up to play) Rules and Regulations of the game! (Please read upon sign-up) Pick, Pay and Promote is a brand new game that starts every Friday night at 7:30 pm (eastern time), 6:30 pm (central time) and 4:30 pm (Pacific Time). 1. Every Friday night we will start this game. You MUST make a minimum purchase of $5.00 (with out the cost of shipping) from at least one of the booths that signed up for that day. 2. There are only up to 15 slots to fill up in this game. The first 15 booths who sign up first will be it. Then after up to 15 booths sign up I will say Sign-Ups are now closed in the game thread (first come, first serve). We also need at least 6 people to play the game. 3. In this game you can also promote your booth up to 3 times during the game to tell us what you have for $5.00 or more. You MUST have a few items that are $5.00 or more to play the game. 4. You must tag other booths that are in the game to show us what they offer as well! 5. You have from 7:30 pm (Eastern Time) to 8:30pm (Eastern Time) to shop for a $5.00 item or up (not including shipping). 6. Once that 1 hour is up you have to post a picture of what you bought in the thread, who you bought from, and how much it was (without the cost of shipping). Upon sign-up if you could please list your store link and any kind of promotions that you have, it makes it a bit easier!! 7. There will be no negative comments allowed in this game. Everyone should be nice and respect others. 8. And most importantly have Fun!! Host: Samantha’s Closet (Samantha) if you have any questions please feel free to contact me!! **Also, remember that sales are NOT guaranteed**
Next being played: June 7 at 5:00am PST
Moderated by: samanthascloset
How many times this game has been played: 0 times

0 Users Signed Up to Play On June 7 at 5:00am PST

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