Fantasy shopper

My Fantasy Shopper

My Fantasy Shopper: Players making wish lists come true,
or a simple purchase from you will do~

This is a New game with a twist, you can purchase items for yourself or grant a fellow players wish, from their wish List.


Minimum Purchase $7.00 with no max.
 You Must have booth items
and Wish List items of at least $7.00

Everyone makes a purchase
Everyone either gets a Sale or granted their Wish list gift.
Minimum Players 10 No Max

Please visit each players booth, letting them know you were there.
see something you like feel free to chat or post a picture or two.

1. Sign Up's open at  9am & Close at 2pm PST

2. List Sending
Starts from 2pm - 3pm PST:
Your Game Host will B-Mail you a fellow players booth.
Then you decide if you want to
purchase their products for yourself
or purchase an item from Their Wish List   for them.

3. Purchases will start once you receive your b-mail
and end by 5:pm PST:

4. Please come back and post who you purchased from or
who you granted a Wish to.

***Once receiving your b-mail
You can choose to Purchase from their booth or Granting them their Wish, by purchasing an item from their Wish List.

** "Please note that when purchasing a wish list item, you will be purchasing from another sellers booth"

**Wish List Purchases: Please make note to seller, of the Person/booth who is receiving their Wish, with their mailing information, and Please let them know that you have granted a Wish List item from playing My Fantasy Shopper.

*** Please note: One Player, One Booth***

**Please note: you must have a good choice of items selling for $7.00 minimum and or wish list items starting at $7.00

Please visit each players booth, letting them know you were there.
see something you like feel free to chat or post a picture or two.


Next being played: June 9 at 9:00am PST
Moderated by: TheGreenGoat
How many times this game has been played: 0 times

0 Users Signed Up to Play On June 9 at 9:00am PST

Nobody has signed up to play yet.