
Sunday Social

Check us out, no purchase required to play :)

Sellers offer discounts

we have been playing for almost 2 years

starting a new signup for the new year !!!

h2. Sunday Social, time for fun, friends and games. Lets have some fun, maybe make some sales and find some bargains… and win a prize! No purchase required.


Game will start at 7 AM Pacific and finish at 5 PM Pacific


You *do not have to sign up* to shop or purchase and take advantage of these Sunday bargains. Please remember all sellers on the list offer a different discount and some offer extra deals. Most have combined shipping, some may not. Please check the individuals details pages or contact them with questions about items.


You *do NOT* have to make a purchase to participate.

You *DO have to* offer a coupon, the coupon code *must be* – *Social with your assigned number behind it* - the number will be the number you are assigned on the list. The amount of % you offer is up to each seller

The number is due to a system glitch and to avoid confusing the system. Example… mine will be social1, pugnacious will be social4.

coupon codes are set up by going to sell>>>advanced options .. scroll down and you will find it — if you need help please bmail me and I’ll be happy to assist you.

h4. If you use anything but the word Social (and your assigned number) for your coupon code for this you will be removed from the game. You *do not* have to make all the rounds every week. You do not have to publish the coupon and since we can create as many coupons as we want this will not conflict with any others

You *DO have to* visit booths, post in chat and participate by posting to the game thread. You are encouraged to participate every week, but, life happens and I realize there may be weeks that is not possible.. whenever you can not participate you are expected to at least post to the thread that you will be gone ... and /or bmail me. I understand Sunday is a busy day but we need to be fair to the faithful that visit all the booths almost every week.

Frequent nonparticipation will get you removed from the game. Repeated removals could mean permanently removed... Sorry, just trying to be fair to all.

If you are removed from the list and want to be put back on, you must participate (both with visits and the game within the game) that first week you have asked to be put on or you will be removed from the list for good. This is to be fair to the faithful participants and to stop people from just dumping their links for others to visit without participating themselves.

h2. *INFORMATIONAL LISTING*... do not put one. We use to require one but I am asking they be removed and that nobody put one. This is to comply with the boyz not wanting informational listings and them now being against policy.


If you are a member of the game you may promote your items, booth, sale,sale or anything you want to on the thread... you may do the same for any other person as long as they are a member of the game. Promoting for non SS members is not allowed.

Please do not promote your sales,sales or whatever in other members booth chat boxes.

Also, if anyone has any special items that reflect that weeks theme feel free to add the link to the weekly thread, or show what you find in the booths of others *as long as they are Sunday Social players* . We like sharing.

Reporting purchases isn’t required… (unless it’s involved in a game within the game) but… it would be nice to hear if you make a sale so we can judge if the game was a success, and we like to share in your excitement and success.

h3. Game within the game .. some participation required, please see game within the game requirements below

*SIGN UPS:*You can be on the permanent sign up if you wish or sign up weekly on  when I post the new weekly thread – please state if you want on the permanent list.

If you do not state permanent, then you will be on the list for just that week.

h4. If you are signed up for the week only then you must participate that week, by visiting booths, posting to the thread and playing the game on the second post of the thread.

h4. when signing up on the permanent you must participate the first week you sign up

It will help if when you sign up you include your booth link and payment types you wish to include…and if you ship internationally… also, if you wish me to put your % of discount let me know and I will include it also ..thanks

I hope you all have fun and success with this.
many sales to you all


Each week there will be a different game to play and you could win a prize.. this is for sellers on the list only .. sorry but it is a reward for all their hard work

We will have a theme most weeks. The type game will vary each week and can range from scavenger type hunts to trivia or guessing .. this will also help give each a chance to play games they like.

The specifics for each weeks game will be posted on the second post of this thread… usually by game time on Sunday morning.. occasionally before depending on the type game… on busy Sundays, like holidays, I try to keep it a simple less time consuming game.

h4. You are also *required* to play at least twice within a 4 week period. We do a variety of games and one should suite just about everyone. I will try to put up a list of games for weeks ahead so you can choose. It is no fun with only a couple of people playing and not fair to all those who so graciously donate prizes.

We are very appreciative of all those who have donated prizes in the past and if you would like to donate one please bmail me.. I will add you to our list of donations..without the donations we can not play :) Prizes do not have to meet any specific $ amount and can be whatever you choose.thanks

Next being played: June 9 at 7:00am PST
Moderated by: pugs
How many times this game has been played: 0 times

0 Users Signed Up to Play On June 9 at 7:00am PST

Nobody has signed up to play yet.