Inside   out2

Inside & Out - Bring In Some Clout!

This is a twist to the Wednesdaysale Trains that used to take place. Game starts Thursdays and ends every Wednesday at 7PM EDT, 6PM CDT, 5PM MDT, 4PM PDT. INSIDE & OUT – BRING IN SOME CLOUT – Week Ending March 27th Sign up for a 15 minute Mini-Event to take place in your Chat Box. When you request to be signed up, please leave your Bonanza User ID, your ID for the method you will be using to promote the Mini-Event/Main Event, and your Incentive. You MUST offer something as an Incentive – it can be a percentage off, free shipping, a coupon, special pricing for individual items, ansale, or a free gift with purchase. Just let us know when you sign up what you’d like to offer as your incentive (this information will be used in helping to promote the Main Event). When you request below to play, you will be assigned the NEXT available time slot – please do not pick a time. As soon as I read your request, you will notified of your Mini-Event time and you can begin your promotions. Requirements: You MUST promote either your Mini-Event or the Main Event ONCE INSIDE Bonanza via your Chat Box and TWICE OUTSIDE Bonanza via Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, or via your Facebook page. The Facebook promotion can be either your personal page or your Facebook Fan Page for your booth. (This is where the Inside & Out comes into play…get it? LOL) You MUST ALSO come back to this page and what/how tell us how you promoted. The more you promote OUTSIDE Bonanza, the better it is for everyone. The goal is to bring MORE people to Bonanza. For your Chat Box, you can post whatever you’d like, but I will send you a link to the final Promotional link. YOU CAN NOT PLAY THE GAME TWO WEEKS IN A ROW (I am the exception to the rule). You also can NOT sign up two booths of your own in one week. You can play with one booth one week, and one the next, but not two in one week. Sign Up for each week will start every Thursday and end on Tuesday 6PM EDT. At 6PM EDT, whoever is signed up will be participating in the Wednesday evening Main Event at 7PM EDT. We will close sign ups at 6PM to allow plenty of time for promoting. A final Lineup for the Main Event will be created and posted in the Promote Your Booth Forum. On Wednesday, 7PM EDT, we meet in the very first booth on the list. There has been a maximum time frame established of three hours, so never will the game ever go beyond that. If you don’t show and you were assigned a time, you can’t play the following week We do request that you attempt to attend at least half of the Main Event.
Next being played: June 5 at 4:00pm PST
Moderated by: iloveoldstuff
How many times this game has been played: 0 times

0 Users Signed Up to Play On June 5 at 4:00pm PST

Nobody has signed up to play yet.