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Finding Friends on Friday

A tag game for any/all who wants to participate.

Not for prizes, just for the fun of tagging, but with a bit of a twist.

In this game we will ask people to put up their booths, and still encourage the tagging/tickling, but also to ask players if they see a Bonanza about to start, or ansale coming up while they are out tagging, to let me know and us know!

But one of the primary goals to this game is to ask players to find a new booth/member, someone who had joined that week and meet them, ask them if they need any help, have any questions, basically just find them and welcome them.

Then bring them back to the forum for all to say hi! (actually, post their booths) Hence the name of FINDING FRIENDS on FRIDAY…

Click below for more details!

Next being played: In progress now!
Moderated by: FindingFriendsFriday
How many times this game has been played: 0 times

0 Users Signed Up to Play On In progress now!

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